Can you clean your golf ball during play?
19th Hole

Can you clean your golf ball during play?

by Adam Calvert on Jul 30, 2022

Rule 14.1c states:

When you lift your ball from the putting green it may always be cleaned. When you lift your ball from anywhere else it may always be cleaned except when you lift it:

  • To see if it is cut or cracked - cleaning is not allowed.
  • To identify it - cleaning is allowed only as needed to identify it.
  • Because it interferes with play - cleaning is not allowed.
  • To see if it lies in condition where relief is allowed - cleaning is not allowed, unless you then take relief under a Rule.

If you clean a lifted ball when not allowed, you get one penalty stroke.

So in simple terms, you can only lift your ball to identify it or if you're on the green (you must mark the ball location before you lift)

You can clean your ball between each hole and before you take a penalty drop.

Benefits of cleaning the golf ball:

  • The clean connection between club face and ball
  • Better flight - A dirty ball won't fly as accurate due to the centre of gravity
  • Better roll on the green or bounce on the fairway (if you can hit it)

Golf is all about consistency. Ensuring you have a clean club and ball each time will make a better strike and give you better accuracy.


How can I clean my golf ball:

  • Spray a small amount of Clean Strike onto the ball and wipe away the excess dirt
  • Or use the bamboo cloth supplied in our cleaning kit

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